Thursday, April 15, 2004

No Bloomsday meeting this week due to several
committee members being out of town. I have
been working on the music. Tentatively plans
include: O, You New York Girls, Can't You
Dance the Polka (for the men's choir), Eileen
Aroon, maybe A Nation Once Again if I can get
my British neighbor with the great voice to do it.

I'm considering the Girls Choir making an ap-
pearance but if we go with the party-for-joyce
theme for the whole night I'm not sure how to
fit them in, at least, not in the way I have

Dylan had the idea to make the entire evening a
skit of a party for Joyce, featuring himself and his
friends and admirers. I like the idea but it puts a
damper on our usual method of everyone develop-
ing and presenting a separate thing, be it poem,
reading, scene or song. Maybe we could have only
the second half be the Joyce party. Hmmm.

Hope we get things settled soon. Time's a wastin'.

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