Monday, August 25, 2003

I recently found an article in the Guardian about Elisabeth
Costello. The article covered an upcoming ceremony to honor her
and ran a short excerpt from the book "Elizabeth Costello"
by JM Coetzee, to be published by Secker & Warburg
in September .

Elisabeth Costello was born in Australia in 1928. She
has written nine novels, two books of poems and a book
on birdlife. The article mentions that "Costello made her
name with her fourth novel, The House on Eccles Street
(1969), whose main character is Marion Bloom, wife of
Leopold Bloom, principal character of another novel,
Ulysses (1922), by James Joyce".

The book sounds fascinating. It is not listed on Amazon,
Bookfinder or Powells. Not in Google. I'm awfully inter-
ested in reading it though. Anybody out there know
where I could get a copy?

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